Location: T-Huis
Spoken Languages: Dutch, English
Cost: in accordance with one’s situation, please contact us under no obligation
As a coach, Brand Berghouwer sees people in all phases of their transition and also long after one is already ‘finished’.
He helps you work through your feelings about your gender identity and together come up with a plan that will lead you in the right direction. Perhaps you feel you are being lived now that you have decided that you are going into transition; or you are worried about what your transition will do to your relationship(s). Or are you already far into your transition and you think: ‘now what’? Do you run into questions at work or in your private life that you want to work on with a coach?
With all these kinds of questions, and more, you can contact Brand for coaching, guidance and advice. He is present at the T-Huis by appointment. Contact him under no obligation to schedule an intake session: .
More information about The TransCoach can be found at: https://detranscoach.nl/.
If you have been referred by employees of the T-Huis or specialists from the community, it is possible that the municipality of Amsterdam will pay for your trajectory with Brand.