Crisis Aid

In case of a crisis, when possible, we are here for you.

Do you, or someone you know, have to deal with violence at home that is related to gender identity and/ or gender expression? Is immediate help needed?
Something can be done about it, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Veilig Thuis, available 24 hours a day by phone on 0800 – 2000

Are you not safe at home, and therefore suddenly homeless? Do you sleep at changing addresses within Amsterdam, Aalsmeer, Amstelveen, Diemen, Ouder-Amstel or Uithoorn? These rules apply:

  1. You are vulnerable and cannot take care of yourself.
  2. You have a connection* with Am­ster­dam.
    Connection means: regional or social ties. For example, you have ties if you have lived in Amsterdam in recent years, if you already receive assistance here, or if you have family and friends in Amsterdam. The GGD checks this when your connection is unclear.

Help for the homeless.

Could you use assistance in approaching the police after a violent incident?
Are you having a sudden mental breakdown and would you like to speak to someone?
In all these cases, and more, you can reach out to us at .

In case of immediate emergency or threat, do not hesitate to call 112.
In case of suicide prevention (also when you are worried about someone else) call 113.

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