Position at the T-House: NOBCO coach specialized in trans-sensitive coaching and counseling
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: Dutch, English
As a NOBCO coach who is trans himself, Brand offers individual trans-sensitive coaching/ counseling. One can run into various problems, that you would like some guidance with: from help with figuring out your gender identity, guidance with your transition process, to all kinds of life and work problems where you would like a coach who understands what it is like to be trans. Visit www.detranscoach.nl for more information.
Brand has been working as a board member for a number of years and now as chairman for Transgender Netwerk. At Pride Amsterdam he is also committed to the emancipation and inclusion of trans people as chairman of the TransPride committee.
In the T-House for (questions about):
– Personal coaching
– How to achieve (work-related) goals
– Guidance to new insights, inspiration or motivation
Brand is present at the T-House only by appointment. Contact him to schedule an intake session: . Have you been referred by employees of the T-House, or specialists from the community? The Municipality of Amsterdam may pay your expenses.